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Instructions for Online Giving

  • Sign in to your PayPal Account using the following link:


  • Click either the "Send" button or the "Send & Request" tab

  • Enter the following address into the recipient e-mail address field:

    Note: The Church does not have a mobile number, so do not select that option

  • Click "Next"

  • Confirm that the e-mail address is correct
    Note: This is important, as you could potentially send money to the wrong person


  • Enter the amount you would like to send

  • You may add a note into the "Add a note" field if you would like to specify where the money is to be used
    (ie: Tithes, Missions, etc)


  • Click "Continue"

  • If it reads "Paying for an item or service" on the next page, then click the "Change" link beside that text

    • Select "Sending to a friend"

  • Select your payment method
    Note: There is no charge to send a donation using a bank account as the funding source. However, there will be an additional charge applied if using a credit card. We suggest linking a bank account to your PayPal account.


  • Click "Next"

  • Verify all information is correct

  • Click "Send Payment Now"

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